
On October 28, 2019, the ACGC was proud to host Sophie Glovier and Kim Haren, from C-Change Conversations, based in Princeton, NJ. Their day began with a morning presentation to members of the Allyn's Creek and Rochester Garden Clubs at the Strong Museum of Play. Later in the day, they were grateful for the opportunity to be guests and share their message on WXXI's radio program Connections with Evan Dawson. The hour-long program can be heard here:

The evening presentation at Nazareth College attracted over 140 people. Glovier discussed how we know climate change is real, how we know that humans have contributed to it, and what we can do to mitigate it. C-Change is attempting to de-politicize the issue of climate change, and to encourage people to take constructive action.

Representatives were on hand from several Rochester organizations providing information about sustainability initiatives in our area. If you are interested in learning more about C-Change, please visit their website: https://www.c-changeconversations.org


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