Recycling in Monroe County... It's Complicated!
The Allyn’s Creek Garden Club was privileged to have a presentation on local recycling at our November General Meeting by Meagan Evans-Saurini, Environmental Educator for Monroe County Department of Environmental Services. Lots of great information can be found on their website: and Most of Monroe County’s recycling is in partnership with Waste Management, and there are two landfills in our county. Meagan explained the waste hierarchy upside-down pyramid, and that in our area, we generate about 5 pounds of garbage per person per day! She gave us some great tips to avoid being ‘wishcyclers’ – putting things in recycling that we wish would be recycled but aren’t – and to prevent clogging the recycling machines: 1) things that aren’t recyclable include plastic pill bottles (those can be taken to EcoPark), plastic ...